Logan Mandeville


Sexy Member
Sep 7, 2023
Tucson, Arizona, US
90% Gay, 10% Straight
LOGAN UPDATE: Our training start date is has to be delayed due to the unexpected loss of my brother a week or so ago. I have to go back & settle his estate as executor. Logan was totally cool about it. Said he still wants to keep in touch each day if I want to. Called me after texting to make sure I'm alright.

Perhaps his friendly nature is from being only 22. Maybe it's because he's not all broken & jaded like most get when they get older. He's REALLY genuinely nice. Like naive hick small town nice in a sexy kind of way. I know where about he's from because I grew up near the PA-WV border. People where he's from are usually poor blue collar folk & work very hard to make ends meet. I sense that's part of the reason he's so down to Earth & not stuck up about his good looks. I can actually hear him blush when I say anything too complementary.

I don't mean he's a dumb hick either. He's like an encyclopedia when it comes to fitness & motivational techniques. Listen to his training vids with your eyes closed and he already sounds like a seasoned pro. I've never met someone so young & so self-assured confident in front of a camera. It's like he was born to do personal training online. Not just online either. He's willing to meet in person soon as I can get out his way or he's out my way. Loves to meet his clients in person he says. I believe him. There's lots of pics of him doing just that.

He said we can put the $$ I paid for my first week of training toward whatever week I want to start. He continues to surprise me with is kindness & compassion. I'm actually glad a guy this nice didn't go for being on OnlyFans or doing porn like everyone says they want him to do in their comments to him all over the web. I've seen what that industry can do to people in the 25yrs I've worked for it. Models often become some of the coldest jaded people after just a few years of being treated like a pound of flesh. I hope my background in photography can help him steer clear of the pitfalls if that's also something he wants to continue to do.

I expect to see Logan famous sooner than later, but on his own terms. Likely as a personal trainer. I doubt it will be only for the wealthy though. He cut his rate twice for me because I'm a disabled vet. Even though he only takes on a limited number of clients to assure quaility training.

I know some of you still won't believe what I'm saying here. I get that. People like Logan are rare. That's so obvious after getting to know him just a little. He's only 22 & hasn't been broken by the world yet. I wish I could save him from that. I hope nice guys don't always finish last. He's been a friend to me & has raised my spirits about my health immensely. Like some kind of training angel. He's well on his way to earning his wings....


Mythical Member
Nov 29, 2021
Dallas (Texas, United States)
No Response
LOGAN UPDATE: Our training start date is has to be delayed due to the unexpected loss of my brother a week or so ago. I have to go back & settle his estate as executor. Logan was totally cool about it. Said he still wants to keep in touch each day if I want to. Called me after texting to make sure I'm alright.

Perhaps his friendly nature is from being only 22. Maybe it's because he's not all broken & jaded like most get when they get older. He's REALLY genuinely nice. Like naive hick small town nice in a sexy kind of way. I know where about he's from because I grew up near the PA-WV border. People where he's from are usually poor blue collar folk & work very hard to make ends meet. I sense that's part of the reason he's so down to Earth & not stuck up about his good looks. I can actually hear him blush when I say anything too complementary.

I don't mean he's a dumb hick either. He's like an encyclopedia when it comes to fitness & motivational techniques. Listen to his training vids with your eyes closed and he already sounds like a seasoned pro. I've never met someone so young & so self-assured confident in front of a camera. It's like he was born to do personal training online. Not just online either. He's willing to meet in person soon as I can get out his way or he's out my way. Loves to meet his clients in person he says. I believe him. There's lots of pics of him doing just that.

He said we can put the $$ I paid for my first week of training toward whatever week I want to start. He continues to surprise me with is kindness & compassion. I'm actually glad a guy this nice didn't go for being on OnlyFans or doing porn like everyone says they want him to do in their comments to him all over the web. I've seen what that industry can do to people in the 25yrs I've worked for it. Models often become some of the coldest jaded people after just a few years of being treated like a pound of flesh. I hope my background in photography can help him steer clear of the pitfalls if that's also something he wants to continue to do.

I expect to see Logan famous sooner than later, but on his own terms. Likely as a personal trainer. I doubt it will be only for the wealthy though. He cut his rate twice for me because I'm a disabled vet. Even though he only takes on a limited number of clients to assure quaility training.

I know some of you still won't believe what I'm saying here. I get that. People like Logan are rare. That's so obvious after getting to know him just a little. He's only 22 & hasn't been broken by the world yet. I wish I could save him from that. I hope nice guys don't always finish last. He's been a friend to me & has raised my spirits about my health immensely. Like some kind of training angel. He's well on his way to earning his wings....
He sounds a really nice guy, which makes him even hotter. Those pits though, my gawd :heart_eyes:
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Worshipped Member
Apr 22, 2018
Rochester, NY, USA
100% Gay, 0% Straight
LOGAN UPDATE: Our training start date is has to be delayed due to the unexpected loss of my brother a week or so ago. I have to go back & settle his estate as executor. Logan was totally cool about it. Said he still wants to keep in touch each day if I want to. Called me after texting to make sure I'm alright.

Perhaps his friendly nature is from being only 22. Maybe it's because he's not all broken & jaded like most get when they get older. He's REALLY genuinely nice. Like naive hick small town nice in a sexy kind of way. I know where about he's from because I grew up near the PA-WV border. People where he's from are usually poor blue collar folk & work very hard to make ends meet. I sense that's part of the reason he's so down to Earth & not stuck up about his good looks. I can actually hear him blush when I say anything too complementary.

I don't mean he's a dumb hick either. He's like an encyclopedia when it comes to fitness & motivational techniques. Listen to his training vids with your eyes closed and he already sounds like a seasoned pro. I've never met someone so young & so self-assured confident in front of a camera. It's like he was born to do personal training online. Not just online either. He's willing to meet in person soon as I can get out his way or he's out my way. Loves to meet his clients in person he says. I believe him. There's lots of pics of him doing just that.

He said we can put the $$ I paid for my first week of training toward whatever week I want to start. He continues to surprise me with is kindness & compassion. I'm actually glad a guy this nice didn't go for being on OnlyFans or doing porn like everyone says they want him to do in their comments to him all over the web. I've seen what that industry can do to people in the 25yrs I've worked for it. Models often become some of the coldest jaded people after just a few years of being treated like a pound of flesh. I hope my background in photography can help him steer clear of the pitfalls if that's also something he wants to continue to do.

I expect to see Logan famous sooner than later, but on his own terms. Likely as a personal trainer. I doubt it will be only for the wealthy though. He cut his rate twice for me because I'm a disabled vet. Even though he only takes on a limited number of clients to assure quaility training.

I know some of you still won't believe what I'm saying here. I get that. People like Logan are rare. That's so obvious after getting to know him just a little. He's only 22 & hasn't been broken by the world yet. I wish I could save him from that. I hope nice guys don't always finish last. He's been a friend to me & has raised my spirits about my health immensely. Like some kind of training angel. He's well on his way to earning his wings....
Sorry for your loss

John R. Anderson

Cherished Member
Apr 11, 2018
Tulsa (Oklahoma, United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight


Sexy Member
Sep 7, 2023
Tucson, Arizona, US
90% Gay, 10% Straight
He sounds a really nice guy, which makes him even hotter. Those pits though, my gawd :heart_eyes:
He IS a really nice guy. We've been chatting/messaging every day now. He makes me these audio files that has his sexy accent. It's kind of a slow drawl. He grew up not too far from where I grew up. I've been enjoying getting to know him. We've been chatting about music & other things. He's a great motivator without being pushy & boring. He makes me feel like I don't want to let him down which pushes me to get in shape. Not that he says stuff that makes you feel that way. It's more about the personal interest & time he gives his clients. I feel a friendship developing. Which is totally unexpected. I've never had a trainer before but I doubt he's like most out there. I wonder if it's just me or does he give this much time to all his clients? Then I wonder how that's possible.... He makes you feel like you're his only client, not at the bottom of a long list.


Sexy Member
Sep 7, 2023
Tucson, Arizona, US
90% Gay, 10% Straight
Sorry to hear about your brother. Take care. Maybe working out will help with the healing.
Thanks man. I've lost 4 loved ones & my dog the past 5yrs. I feel like Death is lurking everywhere. One of the reasons I want to get in better shape. My bucket list is WAY too long to leave before my time.


Mythical Member
Nov 29, 2021
Dallas (Texas, United States)
No Response
He IS a really nice guy. We've been chatting/messaging every day now. He makes me these audio files that has his sexy accent. It's kind of a slow drawl. He grew up not too far from where I grew up. I've been enjoying getting to know him. We've been chatting about music & other things. He's a great motivator without being pushy & boring. He makes me feel like I don't want to let him down which pushes me to get in shape. Not that he says stuff that makes you feel that way. It's more about the personal interest & time he gives his clients. I feel a friendship developing. Which is totally unexpected. I've never had a trainer before but I doubt he's like most out there. I wonder if it's just me or does he give this much time to all his clients? Then I wonder how that's possible.... He makes you feel like you're his only client, not at the bottom of a long list.
That's awesome! The connection you make with your trainer is really important in you succeeding. I'm sure he's proud of the work you're doing. Keep up the good work and enjoy the friendship you're making.

Honestly hearing this about him just made him a thousand times hotter


Sexy Member
Sep 7, 2023
Tucson, Arizona, US
90% Gay, 10% Straight
That's awesome! The connection you make with your trainer is really important in you succeeding. I'm sure he's proud of the work you're doing. Keep up the good work and enjoy the friendship you're making.

Honestly hearing this about him just made him a thousand times hotter
He's as attractive inside as out. I've worked with a LOT of models in the course of my career as a photographer. So may become all cynical, untrusting, emotionally unavailable & jaded after a short while in that industry. I hope to do all I can to help him avoid those pitfalls because it would be such a shame to discover years later that toxic industry ruined another nice guy. I told him I hope he stays this way. I wish guys would stop nagging him about his sexuality or doing porn. I say let the young guys be who they want to be. To become who they want to become. I'd hate to be treated like a hunk of hot flesh all the time. Sure, in the past he's stoked the thirst online. But I think he's over that phase & wants a legitimate career in something he can build upon. He seems so cut out for personal training. Check out his Instagram Login • Instagram he's got a lot of free advice & vids on there. That's where this all started with him. I didn't even know he was a model that set the web afire a few years ago. Seems like it's still burning lol.


Sexy Member
Sep 7, 2023
Tucson, Arizona, US
90% Gay, 10% Straight
He's as attractive inside as out. I've worked with a LOT of models in the course of my career as a photographer. Some become cynical, untrusting, emotionally unavailable, narcissistic & jaded after a short while in that industry. I hope to do all I can to help him avoid those pitfalls because it would be such a shame to discover years later that toxic industry ruined another nice guy. I told him recently I hope he always stays as true to himself and as authentic as he comes across.
I wish guys would stop nagging him about his sexuality or doing porn. I say let the young guys be who they want to be. To become who they want to become. I'd hate to be treated like a hunk of hot flesh all the time. Sure, in the past he's stoked the thirst online. But I think he's over that phase & wants a legitimate career in something he can build upon. He seems so cut out for personal training. Check out his Instagram Login • Instagram he's got a lot of free advice & vids on there. That's where this all started with him. I didn't even know he was a model that set the web afire a few years ago. Seems like it's still burning. Lol.