Real life college experiences in a super conservative college


Superior Member
May 8, 2004
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Glad you’re all still enjoying it. Going through this has helped me appreciate my journey to accepting myself as bisexual. My college experiences led to a lot of discoveries I hadn’t thought of until that point. And later on in life when I came out as bi these stories helped me see “where it all began”.


Superior Member
May 8, 2004
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Wow I love this story so much so this is your actual college experience
Yes and no. I’m forming a story out of experiences I had in college. Some of the details are made up to tell the story in a better timeline. But the stories with Jake are real, some details may be off as this was 20 years ago. But I think most are accurate enough.


Superior Member
May 8, 2004
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Part 13

The weeks went by. Jake went through the grueling process of getting into his cousins frat I wasn't ever privy to what what going on during those two weeks. Jake was assigned some dude who basically barked orders at Jake all the time and made him do all sorts of things. They kept him out to all hours of the night. So for two weeksI barely saw Jake. The fall air was almost crisp. It had been hot for so long I never thought it would cool off. I started to miss home and the fall leaves.

One evening after Jake got into his frat. We get to talking about fall and the weather changing. Jake starts going on about getting out into the woods to camp, chill and be with nature. Being a city mouse as my family would call ourselves, I wasn't all to familiar with this idea of wanting to sleep outside on the ground in a small little tent. Jake was so excited about the whole thing that I more or less got caught up in the excitement myself and I agree to come! "Man, it's going to be so much fun, just us bros in the woods far away from everyone just being one with nature!" I asked how long we would be one with nature. "We'll leave Friday afternoon, load up my truck and it should be about an hour drive from here." Jake informs me that some other guys are coming: his older cousin, this friend of his from his high school and two other guys I never heard of. Jake calls his sister. Side note Jake had an older sister at school she was senior, lived off campus and I only met her a handful of time. She was smoking hot and I always offered to go with Jake when they would hang out. Since Sherri lived off campus she stored all the stuff Jake brought that didn't fit in our dorm room, mainly hunting/fishing stuff and I guess camping stuff. "Hey Sherri, it's Jake.... yeah that one, listen I'm going camping this weekend and I'll need to get my stuff Friday afternoon.... Okay thanks and yeah I'll call mom..." Jake gets out this state map and shows me where the campsite is. I'm starting to get excited "This is going be my first time camping out in the woods like this!" I said with total excitement, Jake really knew how to pump up an idea.

The days leading up to it we made several trips to Wall-Mart to gather supplies that now filled a corner of our room. Things ended with Sarah, we only had a few dates and she ended things. So now I had all sorts of free time to devote to our camping trip. Jake was lady free himself. Friday came and after class Jake and I headed over to Sherri's. I loved going there one because she was smoking hot and two because she always knocked Jake down a peg or two and it was funny to watch. We pull up, Sherri greets us, Leaning into the truck window she says "Hey little bro, hello Daniel, you still looking after my little bro. I did all I could not to stare at her chest. "This is Jakes sister I keep trying to tell myself" She has Jake's stuff on the porch I help him load it up. "Careful little brother don't get eaten by a bear!" she yells as we pull away. We head over to Jake's cousin's dorm and they put some stuff in his truck. Jake's cousin Phillip drives a Jeep so he was going to carry the passengers. It's not Jake, me Phillip, Peter and Ethan. Jake's friend was going to meet us there. we all say our "sup's" and we were off on our way.

We head out and for the first time I realize okay it's me Jake and a bunch of frat bros. I never felt like I had anything in common with them. I felt like such a dork around them. Jake always said that was just in my head. After a little over an hour of a drive we pull up to basically a mountain, following Philip we pull down this mud/dirt road and come to more or less a campsite or clearing in the woods. We get out "Well this is it fellas!" Phillip exclaims. "When's Parker coming Jake?" Phillip asked "Should be any time now, we should set up now before it gets too dark" Jake says. We start to unload Jake's truck and set all the tents on the ground. Jake tells me that he want's to share a tent with Parker as they haven't hung out in awhile. Doing that math that leaves me with Ethan. We have all the tents set up, Jake and I sit on his tailgate, and we see a Chevy Blazer off in the distance. "It's Parker!" Jake says with excitement. Parker pulls up and get out of his truck. Jake introduces me "Oh, so you're the one Jake's been talking about, the with the big tent pole, you may come in handy this weekend!" I look to Jake "what dude, it's true!" Ethan and Peter were collecting wood nearby for the fire. We sat around the fire, sharing stories about school, chicks, hot dates, hunting and fishing. I yawn, "well fellas, I'm off to bed" "Night tent pole" I hear them say in unison. "Ugh" I think as I crawl into my tent.


Superior Member
Jan 13, 2019
Phoenix (Arizona, United States)
80% Straight, 20% Gay
Part 13

The weeks went by. Jake went through the grueling process of getting into his cousins frat I wasn't ever privy to what what going on during those two weeks. Jake was assigned some dude who basically barked orders at Jake all the time and made him do all sorts of things. They kept him out to all hours of the night. So for two weeksI barely saw Jake. The fall air was almost crisp. It had been hot for so long I never thought it would cool off. I started to miss home and the fall leaves.

One evening after Jake got into his frat. We get to talking about fall and the weather changing. Jake starts going on about getting out into the woods to camp, chill and be with nature. Being a city mouse as my family would call ourselves, I wasn't all to familiar with this idea of wanting to sleep outside on the ground in a small little tent. Jake was so excited about the whole thing that I more or less got caught up in the excitement myself and I agree to come! "Man, it's going to be so much fun, just us bros in the woods far away from everyone just being one with nature!" I asked how long we would be one with nature. "We'll leave Friday afternoon, load up my truck and it should be about an hour drive from here." Jake informs me that some other guys are coming: his older cousin, this friend of his from his high school and two other guys I never heard of. Jake calls his sister. Side note Jake had an older sister at school she was senior, lived off campus and I only met her a handful of time. She was smoking hot and I always offered to go with Jake when they would hang out. Since Sherri lived off campus she stored all the stuff Jake brought that didn't fit in our dorm room, mainly hunting/fishing stuff and I guess camping stuff. "Hey Sherri, it's Jake.... yeah that one, listen I'm going camping this weekend and I'll need to get my stuff Friday afternoon.... Okay thanks and yeah I'll call mom..." Jake gets out this state map and shows me where the campsite is. I'm starting to get excited "This is going be my first time camping out in the woods like this!" I said with total excitement, Jake really knew how to pump up an idea.

The days leading up to it we made several trips to Wall-Mart to gather supplies that now filled a corner of our room. Things ended with Sarah, we only had a few dates and she ended things. So now I had all sorts of free time to devote to our camping trip. Jake was lady free himself. Friday came and after class Jake and I headed over to Sherri's. I loved going there one because she was smoking hot and two because she always knocked Jake down a peg or two and it was funny to watch. We pull up, Sherri greets us, Leaning into the truck window she says "Hey little bro, hello Daniel, you still looking after my little bro. I did all I could not to stare at her chest. "This is Jakes sister I keep trying to tell myself" She has Jake's stuff on the porch I help him load it up. "Careful little brother don't get eaten by a bear!" she yells as we pull away. We head over to Jake's cousin's dorm and they put some stuff in his truck. Jake's cousin Phillip drives a Jeep so he was going to carry the passengers. It's not Jake, me Phillip, Peter and Ethan. Jake's friend was going to meet us there. we all say our "sup's" and we were off on our way.

We head out and for the first time I realize okay it's me Jake and a bunch of frat bros. I never felt like I had anything in common with them. I felt like such a dork around them. Jake always said that was just in my head. After a little over an hour of a drive we pull up to basically a mountain, following Philip we pull down this mud/dirt road and come to more or less a campsite or clearing in the woods. We get out "Well this is it fellas!" Phillip exclaims. "When's Parker coming Jake?" Phillip asked "Should be any time now, we should set up now before it gets too dark" Jake says. We start to unload Jake's truck and set all the tents on the ground. Jake tells me that he want's to share a tent with Parker as they haven't hung out in awhile. Doing that math that leaves me with Ethan. We have all the tents set up, Jake and I sit on his tailgate, and we see a Chevy Blazer off in the distance. "It's Parker!" Jake says with excitement. Parker pulls up and get out of his truck. Jake introduces me "Oh, so you're the one Jake's been talking about, the with the big tent pole, you may come in handy this weekend!" I look to Jake "what dude, it's true!" Ethan and Peter were collecting wood nearby for the fire. We sat around the fire, sharing stories about school, chicks, hot dates, hunting and fishing. I yawn, "well fellas, I'm off to bed" "Night tent pole" I hear them say in unison. "Ugh" I think as I crawl into my tent.
Can't wait to hear how the camping trip goes!


Superior Member
May 8, 2004
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Part 14

I'm laying there partly asleep and I hear crunching of sticks and the zipper, it's Ethan. "Oh hey Ethan, I'm not asleep yet I'm just laying here." Not really knowing what to say I barely know Ethan, all I know is he's from Texas and he's majoring in accounting. He fumbles around trying to take off his boots, which he places upside down outside. Zipping the zipper back up he say "so umm Daniel looks like we're roommates for the weekend". "yeah pretty much" He goes on to ask about my major and where I'm from just general conversation stuff. Outside the tent I hear Phillip yell "Watch out Ethan, make sure you don't get poked by tent pole!" The other chuckle, awkwardly I just say "I'll do my best" feeling stupid about what I said Ethan replies to me. "It's all good man, I'm sure it's gonna be fine". I roll over feeling super embarrassed. Sometime in the middle of the night Ethan moves and I feel him actually brush against my sleep woodie as Jake would call them. I barely wake up but enough that I think I hope he didn't notice. I didn't sleep well that night partly because being outside on the ground was not as relaxing as Jake made it sound and I was afraid of poking Ethan. I wake up to the sun peaking through our tent. I try to fall back asleep the best way I can. I wake up to Ethan saying "dude, so it's true!" I look down and through my sleeping bag is the outline of my morning wood. Dammit I think. "Daniel is that really, your umm tent pole?" he whispers "Yes Ethan" I say with this feeling of how is this happening again. Ethan sits up in bed and hear him whisper "So can I see it?" I reply "you want to?" Ethan whispers back "Yeah man, let's this thing!" I shimmy around in my bag and get the zipper down, I pull my sleeping bag down and in my shorts was visible boner. "Wow dude that's big man!" he says while trying to keep his voice down. My mood shifted from this is totally embarrassing to this is actually cool, here is Ethan one of the cool kids on campus and I'm the one that has his attention. "so whip it out" he says, and without any hesitation I comply. "there it is" I whispered. "dang dude, I've not ever seen one like that" he says trying to to raise his voice, he whispers again "can I touch it?" At this point in my life this wasn't ever offered. "sure, I guess" I replied. Ethan reached over and at first barely touching it to rubbing his fingers down in an almost stroke like pattern. I try not to shudder and this was getting hot, and I felt and saw my dick jump a little bit. Ethan removed his hands and lowers her shorts to reveal his hard on. he leans back our cocks now side by side. "not even close" he whispered. We each tried our best to put them side by side. I had to admit this was pretty hot. Not really knowing what to do next I hear footsteps outside. I hear Parker say. "You boys up?" scrambling to get ourselves situated. Ethan replies, "yeah Parker, we're waking up." "hope tent pole didn't poke you too much during the night?" Parker yells back. With all the commotion thankfully my morning wood had all but disappeared. I crawled out first. "Morning Parker", I said, morning tent... Daniel" Parker replied. I see Philip and Peter were stirring up the fire from the night before, I assume Jake like always was still sound asleep, but to my surprise I see him come out from this wooded area. "mother nature called!" yelled Jake. Jake walks over to me "hey man how'd you sleep, I know the woods isn't your thing". Not wanting to make Jake feel bad I lied. "I slept pretty good." The plan was to have breakfast which granola bars, some fruit and Parker brought a giant bag of trail mix" Seeing how none of us could cook this was breakfast. Phillip being the expert of our camp site lets us know of a few trails we can take. Jake and Parker wanted to go down to the river, Phillip and Peter the mountain pass. Ethan and I went with Jake and Parker as that hike was going to be shorter. Jake and Parker led the way and Ethan I walked a small distance behind. Jake pointing out nature stuff for me like he was a tour guide. We arrive at the river Jake and Parker jump over the rocks and show off each others manly strengths. I sit on a rock on the edge. Ethan joins "so ummmmm... about this morning, we cool?" really not sure how to respond, but wanting to be reassuring for Ethan. "Yeah Ethan, we're good" "It's not like I do that kind of stuff man, it was just, I don't know..." I interrupted him "Ethan, we're cool". I wanted to tell him that Jake and I walk around naked we jerk off, but I felt like that was our special time and it didn't seem right. Parker looks up "Hey, you guys on a date or you wanna join us?" Ethan hopped down first I followed and we joined Jake and Parker who were throwing rocks into the water.


Superior Member
May 8, 2004
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Part 15

As I followed Jake and Parker over the rocks and logs of the river my mind started to flood with a sea of emotions, I thought to myself, I really liked Sarah I mean I was into Sarah, but now this thing with Ethan. I couldn't figure out how my mind was working. How could I be turned on by both a woman and a man. It just didn't make sense. What Jake and I did was us just being silly and acting up, but with Ethan, I thought I felt something. Jake keen as always looks over to me snaps his fingers, "Hey Daniel, bro you okay, you look lost?" I come out of my daze enough to say "I'm fine Jake, promise". Which was a lie and I think he knew it. We come to a spot in the river that's deep enough to wade into and almost swim. Parker decides we need to take a swim. Now to remind everyone it's fall and the water isn't exactly warm. So I'm not too convinced of this adventure. Jake and Parker take off there shoes and socks then their pants. Both stand there in their plaid boxers. Jake already getting cold. That man had little to no body fat. Parker wades in first acting like it's no big deal, Jake feels pressured and joins him. Looking over at Ethan we both decide we can't be the only ones not going in. So we strip down to our boxers. Thinking to myself I just saw Ethans a little bit ago. "Come on in ladies!" Parker yells I made my way in. It wasn't as cold as I had imagined but in no way was it warm. Ethan goes in next With a lot of hesitation I make my way into the water. "Yep, it's cold!" I stand back up. Water clinging to my boxers I didn't realize that it would stick to my body and therefore my schlong. Parker comments, "looks like Daniel's found an eel!" I slip out of the water back to shore. I can see that Jake doesn't really like that Parker picks on me so much. "dude you're just jealous Parker" Jake quipped back. I try to dry off my boxers as the other three walked around in the shallow part. I sat on a rock and eventually the others came back. "it's time for some grub!" Parker says. We get our clothes back on and head back to camp. It wasn't that far away. On the way back Jake walks alongside me "bro you okay?" "yeah man, I'm fine." we get back to our campsite lunch was going to be PB&J some chips and pretzels we brought. Phillip and Peter returned and we made our sandwiches passed around the bag of chips and pretzels among the group. Phillip asked how was the river. "Daniel caught and eel!" Parker said. "An eel?" Peter asks. "Yeah in his boxers!" Phillip laughed. In my head I was equal parts super angry to be the butt end of all these jokes and equally proud and felt important. We finished our sandwiches and I walk over to sit on Jake's tailgate. After some time Jake walks over "Daniel, hey man what's up?" Knowing he wasn't going to let it go I just say "dude why am I always a joke?" Jake replied feeling genuinely sorry "you know Daniel, there's always gonna be people out there who are gonna tear you down, man just know in here (as he points to my heart) is all that really matters, and bro you've got that!" almost tearing up "Thanks Jake, I appreciate that. I just want feel like I belong and I don't think I ever will". "Naw man you will, you're a special person and most people don't know how to deal with that. They take something like your big schlong and use that to tear you down. They're jealous man!" I wanted to believe Jake I really did, but my mind couldn't seem to process that he was right. I almost said I love you Jake, but instead I just put my hand on his knee and said "Thanks Jake, you're a real friend to me!" Feeling like I could now get my head together I head back with Jake. I look over and see Ethan chatting it up with Philip and Parker. I think to myself "what am I gonna do about Ethan?" It started to get closer to evening, Peter and Phillip got the fire going again. Earlier in the day they found some logs that could act as chairs. I shared one with Ethan. Jake was on my other side. We ate the same thing we had for lunch as we say around the fire. I sat back and looked at the stars. the previous night was somewhat overcast but tonight you could see everyone of them "wow, there's so many stars out tonight, it's crazy! I go on to say that living in the city we don't see the stars at least not like this. Jake says "I bet you can name half of them?" Jake always overestimated my science knowledge. "well not half, not even a dozen!" I just take it all in Phillip and Peter are on the other side of the fire chatting about hunting or fishing, it was all the same to me. Jake yawns, I yawn. "Okay fellas, I'm hitting the sack" Jake says as he stretched. Yawning again, I said "me too" Ethan chimes in well I guess me too, huh roomie?" Ethan and I walk back to our tent. we leave our boots outside the tend and crawl in one at a time. Ethan goes first. I see him patting my sleeping bag. I take my flannel off, my pants. I was trying to find my shorts but I figured I wouldn't see them in the dark. So I zip up my bag. Ethan scoots over to me in his bag. "hey man, I hope we're still cool, like you're not mad are you?" he whispered. "well not at you Ethan" "oh good... um cuz I thought this morning was kind of fun and I didn't want you to be like upset or something about it." Not really know what to say "Ethan, umm...yeah me too". "cool, well night Daniel, and if you have your tent pole out again tonight I don't mind". "wait what, did you feel that?" "yeah man, but it's totally cool with me". Now feeling self conscience I roll over the other way. "night Ethan", "night Daniel"


Superior Member
May 8, 2004
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Part 16

I must have been so exhausted from my sleepless night before that I pass out. I only woke up a few times, I wasn't still used to sleeping on the literal ground. Morning comes as I see the light start to fill our tent. I chose to just lay there somewhat awake but not willing to get up. "you awake Daniel, I hear Ethan whisper. "sort of Ethan what's up?" "oh , ummm just seeing if you were awake." he replies. "thanks for checking Ethan" I whisper back sarcastically. Why was he checking? it hits me, he wants to know if there is a repeat of yesterday. I whisper back "you just checking to see if my tent pole is up?" I whispered back "well, umm yeah sort of" he responds. I can tell Ethan is dancing around the topic. "well it is Ethan, it is every morning." "Oh, umm cool well just checking" "you wanna see it again don't you?" I whispered back "Well umm yeah I do actually" Ethan responds with growing confidence. I roll over facing him. I unzip my sleeping bag. seeing how I didn't have shorts it was much more pronounced. "wow, man I'm just like super impressed" I start to really get into this, all his admiration was pretty hot. I move my hand down and slide my morning wood out the fly of my boxers. Ethan just looks down in amazement and wonder. His hand if pretty close to it and he moves it closer. "can I?" he whispers. "sure" I figured why not. Ethan uses his fingers to touch it. I can tell he's super nervous. Like he's enjoying this but also hesitant. Truthfully I felt the same. The moment was super hot but I too felt hesitation. He puts his fingers around it as if he's measuring it, then gives it a slight tug. "I mean dang dude, that just puts me to shame." He's pointing down to his morning wood that I can see forming in his shorts. "hey man why don't we just jerk off" I can take care of me and you can take care of you." Ethan nods in agreement. Ethan rolls on his side and pulls his out. He's smaller than I am and his head looked almost too large for his shaft. We both rub our cocks. Ethan and I are almost eye to eye. I was taller than he was but not by too much. I could look into his eyes and I could tell he was enjoying it. I didn't have any lotion nor did Ethan but my dry hand was still getting the job done. At one point Ethan moved my hand out of the way and he takes a turn at stroking. I didn't really like his method so I moved it away and took over. I was now stroking mine and Ethan his. He made some comment how mine required both hands. His total admiration of my dick was sending me over the edge. I use my other hand to grab a pair of boxer and I get one last stroke in before I start cumming . Ethan didn't last much longer and he shoots a load into his boxers. "wow, that was so hot Daniel." Ethan whispered back. "yeah Ethan that was." he lies on his sider his arm behind his head and says "I've never done that with like anyone, but seeing yours just got me all worked up". "It's all good Ethan." I was starting to feel more confident and not quite as hesitant. Now realizing we used our boxers as cum rags we didn't have any. "looks like we're going commando today Daniel" Ethan responds. "yeah I don't think we have a choice. We slide on our pants, socks and I put on my flannel. We unzip the tent and stand and stretch. This was our last morning there so Jake decided that we should break down the tents and then we can explore if we want to. I grab a granola bar and walk back to help Ethan break down our tent. He crawled in first to retrieve his stuff. I can see as he bend over that it's all butt crack. When he come back out I said in a low tone. "hey Ethan, say not to crack!" and point to his pants. He give them a better tug to put them on more securely. I get my stuff. I rolled my boxer full on that morning cum and put them in to the walmart bag I had. I stuff what little other items I had into my bag. I see that Ethan is rolling up his sleeping bag. I zip the tent up and put all my stuff on the grass next to . "I can help break it down Ethan" feeling like now I was a tent expert. "I can help in a minute." Ethan responds. We break apart the tent poles, stakes and fold the tent up. I look around the others have done the same. I carry my stuff over to Jakes truck. Phillip and Peter do the same. As I walked I felt this never ending feeling of wanting to adjust myself and tried to resist. I never went commando before. I didn't feel right. Parker says he's gotta hit the road to get back to school. He went to college in OK. We made the collective decision to pack up and head out too. Phillip wanted to take his Jeep on some trails. Jake and I decided to head back. We say our goodbyes. I actually ended up having a decent time I went thinking I'd never have anything to talk about, and they'd think I was a loser. But as we said our good byes I felt like maybe I met some friends, at least I had with Ethan. Parker and Jake hug it out, Phillip shakes Parker's hand and as Parker comes to me he nods "It was great having you around Ten.. Daniel" as he corrected himself. I agree. Jake goes over to say good bye to Phillip, Peter and Ethan. I follow, not knowing how to say to good bye to Ethan, but not wanting it to be awkward I just say to them all collecting. "thanks guys, it was fun!" Jake and I make our way back to campus, stop by Sherri's drop off his camping stuff. "dude I just wanna shower and chill" he says when getting into the truck. "Same Jake, onward!" We carry the stuff inside, and drop it into a pile in the corner. "Shower time!" Jake says. he strips down, I do the same, only I forgot, I wasn't wearing underwear now. Jake noticed "going commando now, okay!" Jake says laughing "Ummm yeah I figured I'd give it a try" Not even beginning to want to say why. Jake walks off to take his shower and I take a piss while he's in there. "Hey Daniel?" Jake says. "yeah Jake" "Sorry Parker is such a butthead!" No worries Jake, enjoy your shower" as I walked out standing in our room I think what a crazy weekend.

Macon Man

Experimental Member
Sep 22, 2020
Macon (Georgia, United States)
80% Gay, 20% Straight
Part 16

I must have been so exhausted from my sleepless night before that I pass out. I only woke up a few times, I wasn't still used to sleeping on the literal ground. Morning comes as I see the light start to fill our tent. I chose to just lay there somewhat awake but not willing to get up. "you awake Daniel, I hear Ethan whisper. "sort of Ethan what's up?" "oh , ummm just seeing if you were awake." he replies. "thanks for checking Ethan" I whisper back sarcastically. Why was he checking? it hits me, he wants to know if there is a repeat of yesterday. I whisper back "you just checking to see if my tent pole is up?" I whispered back "well, umm yeah sort of" he responds. I can tell Ethan is dancing around the topic. "well it is Ethan, it is every morning." "Oh, umm cool well just checking" "you wanna see it again don't you?" I whispered back "Well umm yeah I do actually" Ethan responds with growing confidence. I roll over facing him. I unzip my sleeping bag. seeing how I didn't have shorts it was much more pronounced. "wow, man I'm just like super impressed" I start to really get into this, all his admiration was pretty hot. I move my hand down and slide my morning wood out the fly of my boxers. Ethan just looks down in amazement and wonder. His hand if pretty close to it and he moves it closer. "can I?" he whispers. "sure" I figured why not. Ethan uses his fingers to touch it. I can tell he's super nervous. Like he's enjoying this but also hesitant. Truthfully I felt the same. The moment was super hot but I too felt hesitation. He puts his fingers around it as if he's measuring it, then gives it a slight tug. "I mean dang dude, that just puts me to shame." He's pointing down to his morning wood that I can see forming in his shorts. "hey man why don't we just jerk off" I can take care of me and you can take care of you." Ethan nods in agreement. Ethan rolls on his side and pulls his out. He's smaller than I am and his head looked almost too large for his shaft. We both rub our cocks. Ethan and I are almost eye to eye. I was taller than he was but not by too much. I could look into his eyes and I could tell he was enjoying it. I didn't have any lotion nor did Ethan but my dry hand was still getting the job done. At one point Ethan moved my hand out of the way and he takes a turn at stroking. I didn't really like his method so I moved it away and took over. I was now stroking mine and Ethan his. He made some comment how mine required both hands. His total admiration of my dick was sending me over the edge. I use my other hand to grab a pair of boxer and I get one last stroke in before I start cumming . Ethan didn't last much longer and he shoots a load into his boxers. "wow, that was so hot Daniel." Ethan whispered back. "yeah Ethan that was." he lies on his sider his arm behind his head and says "I've never done that with like anyone, but seeing yours just got me all worked up". "It's all good Ethan." I was starting to feel more confident and not quite as hesitant. Now realizing we used our boxers as cum rags we didn't have any. "looks like we're going commando today Daniel" Ethan responds. "yeah I don't think we have a choice. We slide on our pants, socks and I put on my flannel. We unzip the tent and stand and stretch. This was our last morning there so Jake decided that we should break down the tents and then we can explore if we want to. I grab a granola bar and walk back to help Ethan break down our tent. He crawled in first to retrieve his stuff. I can see as he bend over that it's all butt crack. When he come back out I said in a low tone. "hey Ethan, say not to crack!" and point to his pants. He give them a better tug to put them on more securely. I get my stuff. I rolled my boxer full on that morning cum and put them in to the walmart bag I had. I stuff what little other items I had into my bag. I see that Ethan is rolling up his sleeping bag. I zip the tent up and put all my stuff on the grass next to . "I can help break it down Ethan" feeling like now I was a tent expert. "I can help in a minute." Ethan responds. We break apart the tent poles, stakes and fold the tent up. I look around the others have done the same. I carry my stuff over to Jakes truck. Phillip and Peter do the same. As I walked I felt this never ending feeling of wanting to adjust myself and tried to resist. I never went commando before. I didn't feel right. Parker says he's gotta hit the road to get back to school. He went to college in OK. We made the collective decision to pack up and head out too. Phillip wanted to take his Jeep on some trails. Jake and I decided to head back. We say our goodbyes. I actually ended up having a decent time I went thinking I'd never have anything to talk about, and they'd think I was a loser. But as we said our good byes I felt like maybe I met some friends, at least I had with Ethan. Parker and Jake hug it out, Phillip shakes Parker's hand and as Parker comes to me he nods "It was great having you around Ten.. Daniel" as he corrected himself. I agree. Jake goes over to say good bye to Phillip, Peter and Ethan. I follow, not knowing how to say to good bye to Ethan, but not wanting it to be awkward I just say to them all collecting. "thanks guys, it was fun!" Jake and I make our way back to campus, stop by Sherri's drop off his camping stuff. "dude I just wanna shower and chill" he says when getting into the truck. "Same Jake, onward!" We carry the stuff inside, and drop it into a pile in the corner. "Shower time!" Jake says. he strips down, I do the same, only I forgot, I wasn't wearing underwear now. Jake noticed "going commando now, okay!" Jake says laughing "Ummm yeah I figured I'd give it a try" Not even beginning to want to say why. Jake walks off to take his shower and I take a piss while he's in there. "Hey Daniel?" Jake says. "yeah Jake" "Sorry Parker is such a butthead!" No worries Jake, enjoy your shower" as I walked out standing in our room I think what a crazy weekend.
This is the best story I've read on this site. Thank you!


Experimental Member
Nov 6, 2022
60% Gay, 40% Straight
Part 16

I must have been so exhausted from my sleepless night before that I pass out. I only woke up a few times, I wasn't still used to sleeping on the literal ground. Morning comes as I see the light start to fill our tent. I chose to just lay there somewhat awake but not willing to get up. "you awake Daniel, I hear Ethan whisper. "sort of Ethan what's up?" "oh , ummm just seeing if you were awake." he replies. "thanks for checking Ethan" I whisper back sarcastically. Why was he checking? it hits me, he wants to know if there is a repeat of yesterday. I whisper back "you just checking to see if my tent pole is up?" I whispered back "well, umm yeah sort of" he responds. I can tell Ethan is dancing around the topic. "well it is Ethan, it is every morning." "Oh, umm cool well just checking" "you wanna see it again don't you?" I whispered back "Well umm yeah I do actually" Ethan responds with growing confidence. I roll over facing him. I unzip my sleeping bag. seeing how I didn't have shorts it was much more pronounced. "wow, man I'm just like super impressed" I start to really get into this, all his admiration was pretty hot. I move my hand down and slide my morning wood out the fly of my boxers. Ethan just looks down in amazement and wonder. His hand if pretty close to it and he moves it closer. "can I?" he whispers. "sure" I figured why not. Ethan uses his fingers to touch it. I can tell he's super nervous. Like he's enjoying this but also hesitant. Truthfully I felt the same. The moment was super hot but I too felt hesitation. He puts his fingers around it as if he's measuring it, then gives it a slight tug. "I mean dang dude, that just puts me to shame." He's pointing down to his morning wood that I can see forming in his shorts. "hey man why don't we just jerk off" I can take care of me and you can take care of you." Ethan nods in agreement. Ethan rolls on his side and pulls his out. He's smaller than I am and his head looked almost too large for his shaft. We both rub our cocks. Ethan and I are almost eye to eye. I was taller than he was but not by too much. I could look into his eyes and I could tell he was enjoying it. I didn't have any lotion nor did Ethan but my dry hand was still getting the job done. At one point Ethan moved my hand out of the way and he takes a turn at stroking. I didn't really like his method so I moved it away and took over. I was now stroking mine and Ethan his. He made some comment how mine required both hands. His total admiration of my dick was sending me over the edge. I use my other hand to grab a pair of boxer and I get one last stroke in before I start cumming . Ethan didn't last much longer and he shoots a load into his boxers. "wow, that was so hot Daniel." Ethan whispered back. "yeah Ethan that was." he lies on his sider his arm behind his head and says "I've never done that with like anyone, but seeing yours just got me all worked up". "It's all good Ethan." I was starting to feel more confident and not quite as hesitant. Now realizing we used our boxers as cum rags we didn't have any. "looks like we're going commando today Daniel" Ethan responds. "yeah I don't think we have a choice. We slide on our pants, socks and I put on my flannel. We unzip the tent and stand and stretch. This was our last morning there so Jake decided that we should break down the tents and then we can explore if we want to. I grab a granola bar and walk back to help Ethan break down our tent. He crawled in first to retrieve his stuff. I can see as he bend over that it's all butt crack. When he come back out I said in a low tone. "hey Ethan, say not to crack!" and point to his pants. He give them a better tug to put them on more securely. I get my stuff. I rolled my boxer full on that morning cum and put them in to the walmart bag I had. I stuff what little other items I had into my bag. I see that Ethan is rolling up his sleeping bag. I zip the tent up and put all my stuff on the grass next to . "I can help break it down Ethan" feeling like now I was a tent expert. "I can help in a minute." Ethan responds. We break apart the tent poles, stakes and fold the tent up. I look around the others have done the same. I carry my stuff over to Jakes truck. Phillip and Peter do the same. As I walked I felt this never ending feeling of wanting to adjust myself and tried to resist. I never went commando before. I didn't feel right. Parker says he's gotta hit the road to get back to school. He went to college in OK. We made the collective decision to pack up and head out too. Phillip wanted to take his Jeep on some trails. Jake and I decided to head back. We say our goodbyes. I actually ended up having a decent time I went thinking I'd never have anything to talk about, and they'd think I was a loser. But as we said our good byes I felt like maybe I met some friends, at least I had with Ethan. Parker and Jake hug it out, Phillip shakes Parker's hand and as Parker comes to me he nods "It was great having you around Ten.. Daniel" as he corrected himself. I agree. Jake goes over to say good bye to Phillip, Peter and Ethan. I follow, not knowing how to say to good bye to Ethan, but not wanting it to be awkward I just say to them all collecting. "thanks guys, it was fun!" Jake and I make our way back to campus, stop by Sherri's drop off his camping stuff. "dude I just wanna shower and chill" he says when getting into the truck. "Same Jake, onward!" We carry the stuff inside, and drop it into a pile in the corner. "Shower time!" Jake says. he strips down, I do the same, only I forgot, I wasn't wearing underwear now. Jake noticed "going commando now, okay!" Jake says laughing "Ummm yeah I figured I'd give it a try" Not even beginning to want to say why. Jake walks off to take his shower and I take a piss while he's in there. "Hey Daniel?" Jake says. "yeah Jake" "Sorry Parker is such a butthead!" No worries Jake, enjoy your shower" as I walked out standing in our room I think what a crazy weekend.
I've been silently reading the story series and I'm so loving it! Keep making these good story of yours!


Legendary Member
Account Deletion Pending
Apr 4, 2024
100% Gay, 0% Straight
I’m glad you’re enjoying it so much. Did you have a similar experience in college?
I LOVE this because I can relate on SO many levels! Great writing! I'm looking forward to the rest.
Same can relate to much of it...can't wait for next instalment to see if the out come was like mine.