"Straight" guy into jelqing

There was this “straight” guy named Dale I used to fuck around with for a while down at Fort Knox.


I’d seen him at the gym before, working out. He was a short guy, maybe 5’4”. White, very muscular, ripped, low body fat, probably in his mid-40s or early 50s. He looked like a Soldier, clean-shaven, an extreme high and tight haircut with razor-shaved sides. He had some kind of bible script tattoos on both shoulders. He was also a bit of a workout fanatic. He did a lot of interesting workouts, pull-ups combined with ab exercises that had him hanging like a monkey off cable crossover equipment.

That was where I first noticed him. He stood out. He also stood out in the showers. He was hung, well over nine inches, and at least half hard when I noticed him. He also lingered in the showers. Sometimes I’d notice him in there both when I started my workout and an hour or so later when I’d finish, he’d still be showering. I’d seen him in there a couple of times before I struck up a conversation with him when I was at the showerhead next to him and we were alone in the group shower. Almost immediately the conversation turned to his cock, which was getting harder by the moment. Long story short, he said he used to be embarrassingly small but that he’d been jelqing and pumping for years so that he’d be bigger. He was as big or bigger than his shaving crème can, which he held up to his cock as a helpful comparison. The minute I gave him attention there was no getting away from him. It was alright though. I thought I’d see how far it would go and how long he would carry on his ruse of being straight.


(not his photo, but something similar I found online to illustrate the point)

I say he was straight because that is what he told me. Over and over again. He said he was straight and Christian and not gay at all but was just really into cock pumping and stuff, in a manly sort of way. Our conversation carried over to the parking lot outside the gym. He showed me his X-Rays for some reason pertaining to his hip surgery but also happened to show the shadow of his impressive cock on the X-ray as well. I pretended not to know anything about cock pumping or jelqing, and he helpfully offered to show me some techniques, in a totally straight way of course. At the time I was living in the Barracks and had my own space. He was actually a civilian and admitted that he’d gotten a job on Post so that he’d have access to the gyms there.

We went back to my rooms, and he certainly offered me some hands-on instructions. He certainly liked it when my hands were on his cock. It didn’t take long before he was on my bed, his thick, muscular legs resting on my shoulders, my cock buried deep in his ass while we both jerked his big prick. It wasn’t the only time, either. I wasn’t big enough for him though. One time he brought along a dildo as big as my forearm and asked me to fuck him with it. I did, happily.

But in a, you know, totally straight, not at all gay sort of way.


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