First time was with my sister’s friend


Sexy Member
Dec 31, 2021
Columbus, OH, USA
90% Gay, 10% Straight
All characters are 18+

Visiting home for the holidays, and I ran into the guy who I first experimented with at the grocery store. I don’t think he saw me, but he’s hard to miss… Im 28 now, so this was nine years ago, but I thought I’d share the story of my first time.

I was two years younger than my sister, and had a very different high school experience than her. She made some of her best friends there, but by time I graduated, I was ready to get out. It was the summer before I left for college, and I got a summer job working as a counselor at our local rec center camp. Most of the counselors were older than me, and had worked there before. It was a quintessential summer camp — arts and crafts and random activities, but right on a nice lake, so that’s where everyone wanted to spend most of the day. The week before camp started, we had training with the other counselors, and it was led by him, cause he had worked there the last few summers…

He was in my sister’s friend group, so he had been over to my house a bunch of times. Of course he always caught my eye. Tall, had to be 6’4”, with a lean frame but these arms that made high-school-me just completely weak. He was somehow tan year round, and even though it was early summer, he was already golden.

And of course, I knew his name: Jake. but I wasn’t sure he knew my name. But sure enough, on the first day, he greeted me with a smile and a hug. Feeling those arms around me, couldn’t help but get hard — had to use the paperwork I was filling out on a clipboard to hide it. I’d guessed my sister had given him a heads up that I would be working there, and he went out of his way to be friendly to me. I appreciated it, but his smiles and winks in my direction during the training were driving me crazy horny.

I got home after the first day, and jerked off thinking of him standing over me. Wasn’t the first time I jerked off to him, but now I had something tangible to think about — his grip around me, the smell of his shirt, mixed with sweat and sunscreen. This was gonna be a long summer, I thought...

The second day of training, we went over water safety at the lake, which meant swimsuits. I went into the communal locker room to change, and there he was. I had arrived two seconds too late, cause he was just pulling up his trunks, his back to me. But as he turned around to throw his things in the locker, I saw my first glimpse of his body… a chest that was truly unfair for a twenty year old to have, surprisingly large pecs for someone who I assumed was more lean under his clothes. Not washboard abs or anything, but a muscular abdomen and a happy trail leading down…

He smiled at me, and as he walked past me to leave patted me on the shoulder. After a bit of training on first aid and lifeguarding basics, and a bit of playing around, we wrapped up and were meant to change before lunch. I was reading on the sand, and had a perfect view. As he walked out of the water, his trunks clung to his dick and left very little to the imagination. I had never seen an uncut dick before, but from the print on the front of his bathing suit, it looked like he might be.

I wasn’t sure what would come next… would we shower? I knew the locker room had showers, but I wasn’t sure the protocol. I waited a few minutes so that I would be able to just follow the lead of others, and then headed into the locker rooms. Sure enough, the guys were all there, showering and laughing. It was honestly endearing — but I couldn’t help but scan the room. Dicks everywhere. Cut and uncut. Big and small. Hairy. I had never seen so many. I decided I couldn’t shower because I knew I’d get hard. I quickly changed, but Jake came over, just holding his shorts in front of him, otherwise naked, and started chatting with me. Asking about college, my major, how my sister was doing. He grabbed his towel, and started drying off… I couldn’t help but look. My suspicion was right, he was uncut, and his dick was nearly as tan as the rest of his body. But he had that distinct tan line that only someone who spends most of their days in a bathing suit gets… I’d have guessed he was maybe four inches long at this point, not fully soft, probably from the warm shower. He turned around, and I saw his ass — hairless cheeks, but a furry hole. I was instantly hard.

He got dressed, seeming not to notice, and we started walking out of the locker room together, when he laughed and said “you’re not gonna go take care of that before lunch?” He pointed down to my shorts, which did little to hide the warm bulge. I was mortified, but he laughed, jokingly said “oh, to be young and still get random boners, I don’t miss that,” and then jogged to catch up with some other counselors a little bit ahead of us. I walked into one of the stalls, and jerked off — remembering his body, that uncut dick, that tan line, thinking of me on my knees in front of him… and then did my best to avoid him the rest of the week, in pure embarrassment.

For the next few weeks, we had only superficial interactions — he was always friendly, I could always only get out a few stuttered words and smile. But a few weeks in, one of the other counselors mentioned an overnight trip that they apparently do every year: all the guy counselors sneak back into the camp after hours, camp at night, and get smashed. I was not planing to go, cause I hadn’t really clicked with too many of the guy counselors (classic, I had befriended all the girl counselors). But then, the day before at the beach, Jake asked me, “I’ll see you tomorrow night, right?” and of course, I knew I’d be going.

We met up just as it got dark, and “snuck” back in (there weren’t really any gates or anything, so it took minimal effort.) But some of the older guys brought beer and pizza, and it was actually pretty fun. Just relaxed, chatting. I realized one of the other counselors was going to the same college as me, and he was giving me tips. That’s when Jake grabbed me by the arm, and said “I need your help grabbing some more drinks.”

I followed him, and we walked about ten minutes or so away from the campfire toward the offices. We made small chat — “you enjoying it here” “yeah, it’s been fun, everyone’s so nice” “do you think you’ll come back next summer?” “oh yeah!” etc.

That’s when we walked past the lake, and he said “you ever been skinny dipping?”

I laughed and said yes, explaining how I did it on a dare once with cousins when I was younger. He said he had never been — and made a joke that he was surprised I had done something he hadn’t. He said something like “I can’t be out-done by you, that’ll ruin my reputation,” and grabbed me by the shoulder and started jogging to the beach. When we reached the sand, he pulled off his long sleeve t shirt, slipped off his jeans, and inched off his briefs. Grey calvins, I still remember. And there it was, that thick and uncut dick. It was a little chilly in the evening, and so he was a little smaller than he was int he locker room — but still thick. “Don’t make me do this alone, it’s cold” he said. I followed, but was relucant to take off my underwear. I was cut, and while I definitely was not as big as him, I was already sporting a semi… He said “come on,” turned around, and jumped off the dock into the water. It was dark enough, and with him in the water, I figured I could get away with it without him seeing I was getting hard.

I jumped in after him, and swam over to where he was. He was floating on his back, his dick sticking straight up in the air. The cold water was caught in his happy trail and pubes, and I couldn’t get enough. He caught me looking, laughed, and then tried to dunk me under water. I struggled against him, and went under, and found my body — for the first time — really touching him, feeling him, in the guise of trying to get him off me. I came up for air, and he was laughing. “You’re stronger than you look,” he said. I sputtered some excuse and said that he was obviously stronger.

And then he kissed me. It was so unexpected, and we were in the deeper end, so I forgot to tread water and sank under the water level. He pulled me up, laughing, dragged me a few feet closer to shore to where our feet could find the sandy bottom, and then he kissed me again. “I thought you might like that,” he said. Acting as if it wasn’t doing anything for him, which was betrayed by the fact that I could feel his dick rubbing against my leg. “Oh, so generous of you,” I said back. But I looked back up at him, and this time I went in for the kiss, and he kissed me back.

I felt his hands embrace my back, and pull my body against his. He kissed my ear, and whispered “you have no idea how bad I need to cum.” I was losing my mind. He definitely wasn’t your typical “macho” straight guy, by any means. I knew he sang back when he was in high school, and he had an ear piercing, but I had never assumed he’d be into guys at all.

He guided my hand to his belly, down, down to his dick. It was fully hard now. It actually wasn’t that much longer than mine, he was probably just over 6.5” or 7.” But girthy, I could barely wrap my hand around the whole thing.

I started stroking it, and he tilted his head back and let out a sigh.

I pushed him backward, toward the dock, and told him to sit on it. He did, his legs hanging over the side, and his dick right in my face. I had never sucked a dick before, but had certainly watched enough porn to pretend I knew what I was doing. He laughed — “nervous? first time?” I looked up at him, my face between his thighs, and smiled. I noticed my teeth were chattering, a combo of the cold water and what I would come to know as that that anxious, exhilarating sensation you get in anticipation of a hook up. “Let’s warm up in the showers,” and Jake pulled me from the water into the locker room where I had first gotten a glimpse of him.

While the water warmed up, I got to savor in the view. He enjoyed being watched, I could tell. I think that turned him on more than anything else. He let the water run over him, and pulled me in — I thought for a kiss, until he pushed my head down, until I was on his knees and face-level with his hard dick. I wrapped my mouth around it and took it inside me. The warmth, combined with the saltiness of his precum, was nearly enough to make me cum. He guided my head up and down his dick with his hand on the back of my head. He let out little short moans in a higher pitched voice than I was used to hearing from him.

It was far from a great blowjob - the combination of the water from the shower, and the sheer girth, left me choking a bit. I started gagging, and tried to take a break, but Jake held me down, his grip tightening on the hair on the back of my head. “I’m not done yet,” he said, forcing me up and down, faster and faster. I had tears in my eyes, but god, I wanted nothing more than to submit to him. I let him guide me up and down, deeper and deeper, until my nose was buried in his pubes, and I had all of him inside of me, scraping the back of my throat. He held down, and let out a “fuckk…” I looked up at him, and he had a new look in his eyes, almost animal-like. He nodded, and then rapidly forced my mouth up and down his dick until, with a loud “oh GOD” I felt my mouth filling with a thick, warm, and salty load. There had to have been five or six ropes, way more than I had ever cum.

I fell to the ground after he let go, swallowing the last of his cum and also gasping for breath. He tilted his back, and let out a sigh. I got to my knees, and then stood up next to him. I leaned in, hoping for another kiss, and he pushed me backward — “nah, dude, I’m done.” The post-nut clarity seemed to have rocked him back from his bi-curiosity.

He could tell I was surprised, and he said “I’m not gay, I just get horny man. And Matt and I had a bet going to see who could get you to suck us off first. I just won twenty bucks. Don’t say a fucking word though, cause otherwise it’ll never happen again.” I was hurt, but I wasn’t shocked. Of course he wasn’t gay, of course he wasn’t into me. We rinsed off, went back to the beach to grab our clothes, and headed back to the group. (Oh, and as for who Matt was… I’ll share more another time lol)

“Couldn’t find any more beer?”

“Nah, sorry guys,” Jake said, and he went back to his friends. I headed home a little later, but I heard stories the next week about the entire group going skinny dipping later that night. Apparently they do it every year, a tradition. So Jake had lied to me earlier that night about never being skinny dipping before…

Regardless, it still was hot as fuck, and I’ll always be grateful to him for that first taste of cock. It was hot seeing him this week again. He looks great — he’s married now, I looked him up on facebook after. Working for his dad’s construction company, which is why he still looked so strong. Definitely wouldn’t mind dropping to my knees to help him out again.


Legendary Member
Apr 13, 2021
Colorado (United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
All characters are 18+

Visiting home for the holidays, and I ran into the guy who I first experimented with at the grocery store. I don’t think he saw me, but he’s hard to miss… Im 28 now, so this was nine years ago, but I thought I’d share the story of my first time.

I was two years younger than my sister, and had a very different high school experience than her. She made some of her best friends there, but by time I graduated, I was ready to get out. It was the summer before I left for college, and I got a summer job working as a counselor at our local rec center camp. Most of the counselors were older than me, and had worked there before. It was a quintessential summer camp — arts and crafts and random activities, but right on a nice lake, so that’s where everyone wanted to spend most of the day. The week before camp started, we had training with the other counselors, and it was led by him, cause he had worked there the last few summers…

He was in my sister’s friend group, so he had been over to my house a bunch of times. Of course he always caught my eye. Tall, had to be 6’4”, with a lean frame but these arms that made high-school-me just completely weak. He was somehow tan year round, and even though it was early summer, he was already golden.

And of course, I knew his name: Jake. but I wasn’t sure he knew my name. But sure enough, on the first day, he greeted me with a smile and a hug. Feeling those arms around me, couldn’t help but get hard — had to use the paperwork I was filling out on a clipboard to hide it. I’d guessed my sister had given him a heads up that I would be working there, and he went out of his way to be friendly to me. I appreciated it, but his smiles and winks in my direction during the training were driving me crazy horny.

I got home after the first day, and jerked off thinking of him standing over me. Wasn’t the first time I jerked off to him, but now I had something tangible to think about — his grip around me, the smell of his shirt, mixed with sweat and sunscreen. This was gonna be a long summer, I thought...

The second day of training, we went over water safety at the lake, which meant swimsuits. I went into the communal locker room to change, and there he was. I had arrived two seconds too late, cause he was just pulling up his trunks, his back to me. But as he turned around to throw his things in the locker, I saw my first glimpse of his body… a chest that was truly unfair for a twenty year old to have, surprisingly large pecs for someone who I assumed was more lean under his clothes. Not washboard abs or anything, but a muscular abdomen and a happy trail leading down…

He smiled at me, and as he walked past me to leave patted me on the shoulder. After a bit of training on first aid and lifeguarding basics, and a bit of playing around, we wrapped up and were meant to change before lunch. I was reading on the sand, and had a perfect view. As he walked out of the water, his trunks clung to his dick and left very little to the imagination. I had never seen an uncut dick before, but from the print on the front of his bathing suit, it looked like he might be.

I wasn’t sure what would come next… would we shower? I knew the locker room had showers, but I wasn’t sure the protocol. I waited a few minutes so that I would be able to just follow the lead of others, and then headed into the locker rooms. Sure enough, the guys were all there, showering and laughing. It was honestly endearing — but I couldn’t help but scan the room. Dicks everywhere. Cut and uncut. Big and small. Hairy. I had never seen so many. I decided I couldn’t shower because I knew I’d get hard. I quickly changed, but Jake came over, just holding his shorts in front of him, otherwise naked, and started chatting with me. Asking about college, my major, how my sister was doing. He grabbed his towel, and started drying off… I couldn’t help but look. My suspicion was right, he was uncut, and his dick was nearly as tan as the rest of his body. But he had that distinct tan line that only someone who spends most of their days in a bathing suit gets… I’d have guessed he was maybe four inches long at this point, not fully soft, probably from the warm shower. He turned around, and I saw his ass — hairless cheeks, but a furry hole. I was instantly hard.

He got dressed, seeming not to notice, and we started walking out of the locker room together, when he laughed and said “you’re not gonna go take care of that before lunch?” He pointed down to my shorts, which did little to hide the warm bulge. I was mortified, but he laughed, jokingly said “oh, to be young and still get random boners, I don’t miss that,” and then jogged to catch up with some other counselors a little bit ahead of us. I walked into one of the stalls, and jerked off — remembering his body, that uncut dick, that tan line, thinking of me on my knees in front of him… and then did my best to avoid him the rest of the week, in pure embarrassment.

For the next few weeks, we had only superficial interactions — he was always friendly, I could always only get out a few stuttered words and smile. But a few weeks in, one of the other counselors mentioned an overnight trip that they apparently do every year: all the guy counselors sneak back into the camp after hours, camp at night, and get smashed. I was not planing to go, cause I hadn’t really clicked with too many of the guy counselors (classic, I had befriended all the girl counselors). But then, the day before at the beach, Jake asked me, “I’ll see you tomorrow night, right?” and of course, I knew I’d be going.

We met up just as it got dark, and “snuck” back in (there weren’t really any gates or anything, so it took minimal effort.) But some of the older guys brought beer and pizza, and it was actually pretty fun. Just relaxed, chatting. I realized one of the other counselors was going to the same college as me, and he was giving me tips. That’s when Jake grabbed me by the arm, and said “I need your help grabbing some more drinks.”

I followed him, and we walked about ten minutes or so away from the campfire toward the offices. We made small chat — “you enjoying it here” “yeah, it’s been fun, everyone’s so nice” “do you think you’ll come back next summer?” “oh yeah!” etc.

That’s when we walked past the lake, and he said “you ever been skinny dipping?”

I laughed and said yes, explaining how I did it on a dare once with cousins when I was younger. He said he had never been — and made a joke that he was surprised I had done something he hadn’t. He said something like “I can’t be out-done by you, that’ll ruin my reputation,” and grabbed me by the shoulder and started jogging to the beach. When we reached the sand, he pulled off his long sleeve t shirt, slipped off his jeans, and inched off his briefs. Grey calvins, I still remember. And there it was, that thick and uncut dick. It was a little chilly in the evening, and so he was a little smaller than he was int he locker room — but still thick. “Don’t make me do this alone, it’s cold” he said. I followed, but was relucant to take off my underwear. I was cut, and while I definitely was not as big as him, I was already sporting a semi… He said “come on,” turned around, and jumped off the dock into the water. It was dark enough, and with him in the water, I figured I could get away with it without him seeing I was getting hard.

I jumped in after him, and swam over to where he was. He was floating on his back, his dick sticking straight up in the air. The cold water was caught in his happy trail and pubes, and I couldn’t get enough. He caught me looking, laughed, and then tried to dunk me under water. I struggled against him, and went under, and found my body — for the first time — really touching him, feeling him, in the guise of trying to get him off me. I came up for air, and he was laughing. “You’re stronger than you look,” he said. I sputtered some excuse and said that he was obviously stronger.

And then he kissed me. It was so unexpected, and we were in the deeper end, so I forgot to tread water and sank under the water level. He pulled me up, laughing, dragged me a few feet closer to shore to where our feet could find the sandy bottom, and then he kissed me again. “I thought you might like that,” he said. Acting as if it wasn’t doing anything for him, which was betrayed by the fact that I could feel his dick rubbing against my leg. “Oh, so generous of you,” I said back. But I looked back up at him, and this time I went in for the kiss, and he kissed me back.

I felt his hands embrace my back, and pull my body against his. He kissed my ear, and whispered “you have no idea how bad I need to cum.” I was losing my mind. He definitely wasn’t your typical “macho” straight guy, by any means. I knew he sang back when he was in high school, and he had an ear piercing, but I had never assumed he’d be into guys at all.

He guided my hand to his belly, down, down to his dick. It was fully hard now. It actually wasn’t that much longer than mine, he was probably just over 6.5” or 7.” But girthy, I could barely wrap my hand around the whole thing.

I started stroking it, and he tilted his head back and let out a sigh.

I pushed him backward, toward the dock, and told him to sit on it. He did, his legs hanging over the side, and his dick right in my face. I had never sucked a dick before, but had certainly watched enough porn to pretend I knew what I was doing. He laughed — “nervous? first time?” I looked up at him, my face between his thighs, and smiled. I noticed my teeth were chattering, a combo of the cold water and what I would come to know as that that anxious, exhilarating sensation you get in anticipation of a hook up. “Let’s warm up in the showers,” and Jake pulled me from the water into the locker room where I had first gotten a glimpse of him.

While the water warmed up, I got to savor in the view. He enjoyed being watched, I could tell. I think that turned him on more than anything else. He let the water run over him, and pulled me in — I thought for a kiss, until he pushed my head down, until I was on his knees and face-level with his hard dick. I wrapped my mouth around it and took it inside me. The warmth, combined with the saltiness of his precum, was nearly enough to make me cum. He guided my head up and down his dick with his hand on the back of my head. He let out little short moans in a higher pitched voice than I was used to hearing from him.

It was far from a great blowjob - the combination of the water from the shower, and the sheer girth, left me choking a bit. I started gagging, and tried to take a break, but Jake held me down, his grip tightening on the hair on the back of my head. “I’m not done yet,” he said, forcing me up and down, faster and faster. I had tears in my eyes, but god, I wanted nothing more than to submit to him. I let him guide me up and down, deeper and deeper, until my nose was buried in his pubes, and I had all of him inside of me, scraping the back of my throat. He held down, and let out a “fuckk…” I looked up at him, and he had a new look in his eyes, almost animal-like. He nodded, and then rapidly forced my mouth up and down his dick until, with a loud “oh GOD” I felt my mouth filling with a thick, warm, and salty load. There had to have been five or six ropes, way more than I had ever cum.

I fell to the ground after he let go, swallowing the last of his cum and also gasping for breath. He tilted his back, and let out a sigh. I got to my knees, and then stood up next to him. I leaned in, hoping for another kiss, and he pushed me backward — “nah, dude, I’m done.” The post-nut clarity seemed to have rocked him back from his bi-curiosity.

He could tell I was surprised, and he said “I’m not gay, I just get horny man. And Matt and I had a bet going to see who could get you to suck us off first. I just won twenty bucks. Don’t say a fucking word though, cause otherwise it’ll never happen again.” I was hurt, but I wasn’t shocked. Of course he wasn’t gay, of course he wasn’t into me. We rinsed off, went back to the beach to grab our clothes, and headed back to the group. (Oh, and as for who Matt was… I’ll share more another time lol)

“Couldn’t find any more beer?”

“Nah, sorry guys,” Jake said, and he went back to his friends. I headed home a little later, but I heard stories the next week about the entire group going skinny dipping later that night. Apparently they do it every year, a tradition. So Jake had lied to me earlier that night about never being skinny dipping before…

Regardless, it still was hot as fuck, and I’ll always be grateful to him for that first taste of cock. It was hot seeing him this week again. He looks great — he’s married now, I looked him up on facebook after. Working for his dad’s construction company, which is why he still looked so strong. Definitely wouldn’t mind dropping to my knees to help him out again.
Freaking Hottttt.
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Thom Hewson

Worshipped Member
Jul 20, 2019
Evanston, Illinois, United States of America
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Well written story, @nick_mondello !. I found myself sympathizing with the gay me character and thus hesitant to click Like because I feel like he was abused and I know that feeling all too well of being taken advantage of.

It didn't happen when I was at camp though... a posh sleep away tennis camp at an Eastern prep school which I attended one summer with two childhood friends. A tall Black counselor named Marcus slipped into my single room one night. He was athletic and handsome of course, but I was in my early teens and had not accepted my sexuality. That didn't come for decades. He slipped into the room at night, sat on the bed and started moving his hand up my leg over the covers as he prodded for some consent. I was petrified and can't at all remember what I said but it wasn't yes. Eventually he gave up and left.

I told my friends what happened, they reported it and a lady counselor pulled me aside to gather details the next day. I'm pretty sure I used the wrong words, saying I'd been assaulted when that hadn't actually happened but for sure the desire for consensual sex was there. He was gone that afternoon.

Now I kinda wonder... how big WAS his dick? What would it have been like to actually get it on with a man at that tender age? Would he have tried to fuck me? Or was he just hoping for a quick blow job? Would he have laid down and kissed and made out? How fucking obvious was it that I acted like a fag and was attracted to men?

The outcome was the same without him... I still grew up hotly attracted to ruggedly built masculine men. I cannot quit being the fuck buddy of my optometrist who has a huge thick cock, hard muscles all over, and is ALL top. He's all passion though..he has a bf of his own as do I now, but the bf is an out of town guy and I'm his off-week side. I'm rarely at his place for more than an hour and a half even with some cuddle time.. He's passionate and kind though, not a just jackhammer dick, so I let him breed me ... but he's not much for sucking my cock or rimming me so I guess you could say it's all about him.. just like Jake.


Sexy Member
Jun 14, 2022
Brooklyn, New York,United States
50% Straight, 50% Gay
All characters are 18+

Visiting home for the holidays, and I ran into the guy who I first experimented with at the grocery store. I don’t think he saw me, but he’s hard to miss… Im 28 now, so this was nine years ago, but I thought I’d share the story of my first time.

I was two years younger than my sister, and had a very different high school experience than her. She made some of her best friends there, but by time I graduated, I was ready to get out. It was the summer before I left for college, and I got a summer job working as a counselor at our local rec center camp. Most of the counselors were older than me, and had worked there before. It was a quintessential summer camp — arts and crafts and random activities, but right on a nice lake, so that’s where everyone wanted to spend most of the day. The week before camp started, we had training with the other counselors, and it was led by him, cause he had worked there the last few summers…

He was in my sister’s friend group, so he had been over to my house a bunch of times. Of course he always caught my eye. Tall, had to be 6’4”, with a lean frame but these arms that made high-school-me just completely weak. He was somehow tan year round, and even though it was early summer, he was already golden.

And of course, I knew his name: Jake. but I wasn’t sure he knew my name. But sure enough, on the first day, he greeted me with a smile and a hug. Feeling those arms around me, couldn’t help but get hard — had to use the paperwork I was filling out on a clipboard to hide it. I’d guessed my sister had given him a heads up that I would be working there, and he went out of his way to be friendly to me. I appreciated it, but his smiles and winks in my direction during the training were driving me crazy horny.

I got home after the first day, and jerked off thinking of him standing over me. Wasn’t the first time I jerked off to him, but now I had something tangible to think about — his grip around me, the smell of his shirt, mixed with sweat and sunscreen. This was gonna be a long summer, I thought...

The second day of training, we went over water safety at the lake, which meant swimsuits. I went into the communal locker room to change, and there he was. I had arrived two seconds too late, cause he was just pulling up his trunks, his back to me. But as he turned around to throw his things in the locker, I saw my first glimpse of his body… a chest that was truly unfair for a twenty year old to have, surprisingly large pecs for someone who I assumed was more lean under his clothes. Not washboard abs or anything, but a muscular abdomen and a happy trail leading down…

He smiled at me, and as he walked past me to leave patted me on the shoulder. After a bit of training on first aid and lifeguarding basics, and a bit of playing around, we wrapped up and were meant to change before lunch. I was reading on the sand, and had a perfect view. As he walked out of the water, his trunks clung to his dick and left very little to the imagination. I had never seen an uncut dick before, but from the print on the front of his bathing suit, it looked like he might be.

I wasn’t sure what would come next… would we shower? I knew the locker room had showers, but I wasn’t sure the protocol. I waited a few minutes so that I would be able to just follow the lead of others, and then headed into the locker rooms. Sure enough, the guys were all there, showering and laughing. It was honestly endearing — but I couldn’t help but scan the room. Dicks everywhere. Cut and uncut. Big and small. Hairy. I had never seen so many. I decided I couldn’t shower because I knew I’d get hard. I quickly changed, but Jake came over, just holding his shorts in front of him, otherwise naked, and started chatting with me. Asking about college, my major, how my sister was doing. He grabbed his towel, and started drying off… I couldn’t help but look. My suspicion was right, he was uncut, and his dick was nearly as tan as the rest of his body. But he had that distinct tan line that only someone who spends most of their days in a bathing suit gets… I’d have guessed he was maybe four inches long at this point, not fully soft, probably from the warm shower. He turned around, and I saw his ass — hairless cheeks, but a furry hole. I was instantly hard.

He got dressed, seeming not to notice, and we started walking out of the locker room together, when he laughed and said “you’re not gonna go take care of that before lunch?” He pointed down to my shorts, which did little to hide the warm bulge. I was mortified, but he laughed, jokingly said “oh, to be young and still get random boners, I don’t miss that,” and then jogged to catch up with some other counselors a little bit ahead of us. I walked into one of the stalls, and jerked off — remembering his body, that uncut dick, that tan line, thinking of me on my knees in front of him… and then did my best to avoid him the rest of the week, in pure embarrassment.

For the next few weeks, we had only superficial interactions — he was always friendly, I could always only get out a few stuttered words and smile. But a few weeks in, one of the other counselors mentioned an overnight trip that they apparently do every year: all the guy counselors sneak back into the camp after hours, camp at night, and get smashed. I was not planing to go, cause I hadn’t really clicked with too many of the guy counselors (classic, I had befriended all the girl counselors). But then, the day before at the beach, Jake asked me, “I’ll see you tomorrow night, right?” and of course, I knew I’d be going.

We met up just as it got dark, and “snuck” back in (there weren’t really any gates or anything, so it took minimal effort.) But some of the older guys brought beer and pizza, and it was actually pretty fun. Just relaxed, chatting. I realized one of the other counselors was going to the same college as me, and he was giving me tips. That’s when Jake grabbed me by the arm, and said “I need your help grabbing some more drinks.”

I followed him, and we walked about ten minutes or so away from the campfire toward the offices. We made small chat — “you enjoying it here” “yeah, it’s been fun, everyone’s so nice” “do you think you’ll come back next summer?” “oh yeah!” etc.

That’s when we walked past the lake, and he said “you ever been skinny dipping?”

I laughed and said yes, explaining how I did it on a dare once with cousins when I was younger. He said he had never been — and made a joke that he was surprised I had done something he hadn’t. He said something like “I can’t be out-done by you, that’ll ruin my reputation,” and grabbed me by the shoulder and started jogging to the beach. When we reached the sand, he pulled off his long sleeve t shirt, slipped off his jeans, and inched off his briefs. Grey calvins, I still remember. And there it was, that thick and uncut dick. It was a little chilly in the evening, and so he was a little smaller than he was int he locker room — but still thick. “Don’t make me do this alone, it’s cold” he said. I followed, but was relucant to take off my underwear. I was cut, and while I definitely was not as big as him, I was already sporting a semi… He said “come on,” turned around, and jumped off the dock into the water. It was dark enough, and with him in the water, I figured I could get away with it without him seeing I was getting hard.

I jumped in after him, and swam over to where he was. He was floating on his back, his dick sticking straight up in the air. The cold water was caught in his happy trail and pubes, and I couldn’t get enough. He caught me looking, laughed, and then tried to dunk me under water. I struggled against him, and went under, and found my body — for the first time — really touching him, feeling him, in the guise of trying to get him off me. I came up for air, and he was laughing. “You’re stronger than you look,” he said. I sputtered some excuse and said that he was obviously stronger.

And then he kissed me. It was so unexpected, and we were in the deeper end, so I forgot to tread water and sank under the water level. He pulled me up, laughing, dragged me a few feet closer to shore to where our feet could find the sandy bottom, and then he kissed me again. “I thought you might like that,” he said. Acting as if it wasn’t doing anything for him, which was betrayed by the fact that I could feel his dick rubbing against my leg. “Oh, so generous of you,” I said back. But I looked back up at him, and this time I went in for the kiss, and he kissed me back.

I felt his hands embrace my back, and pull my body against his. He kissed my ear, and whispered “you have no idea how bad I need to cum.” I was losing my mind. He definitely wasn’t your typical “macho” straight guy, by any means. I knew he sang back when he was in high school, and he had an ear piercing, but I had never assumed he’d be into guys at all.

He guided my hand to his belly, down, down to his dick. It was fully hard now. It actually wasn’t that much longer than mine, he was probably just over 6.5” or 7.” But girthy, I could barely wrap my hand around the whole thing.

I started stroking it, and he tilted his head back and let out a sigh.

I pushed him backward, toward the dock, and told him to sit on it. He did, his legs hanging over the side, and his dick right in my face. I had never sucked a dick before, but had certainly watched enough porn to pretend I knew what I was doing. He laughed — “nervous? first time?” I looked up at him, my face between his thighs, and smiled. I noticed my teeth were chattering, a combo of the cold water and what I would come to know as that that anxious, exhilarating sensation you get in anticipation of a hook up. “Let’s warm up in the showers,” and Jake pulled me from the water into the locker room where I had first gotten a glimpse of him.

While the water warmed up, I got to savor in the view. He enjoyed being watched, I could tell. I think that turned him on more than anything else. He let the water run over him, and pulled me in — I thought for a kiss, until he pushed my head down, until I was on his knees and face-level with his hard dick. I wrapped my mouth around it and took it inside me. The warmth, combined with the saltiness of his precum, was nearly enough to make me cum. He guided my head up and down his dick with his hand on the back of my head. He let out little short moans in a higher pitched voice than I was used to hearing from him.

It was far from a great blowjob - the combination of the water from the shower, and the sheer girth, left me choking a bit. I started gagging, and tried to take a break, but Jake held me down, his grip tightening on the hair on the back of my head. “I’m not done yet,” he said, forcing me up and down, faster and faster. I had tears in my eyes, but god, I wanted nothing more than to submit to him. I let him guide me up and down, deeper and deeper, until my nose was buried in his pubes, and I had all of him inside of me, scraping the back of my throat. He held down, and let out a “fuckk…” I looked up at him, and he had a new look in his eyes, almost animal-like. He nodded, and then rapidly forced my mouth up and down his dick until, with a loud “oh GOD” I felt my mouth filling with a thick, warm, and salty load. There had to have been five or six ropes, way more than I had ever cum.

I fell to the ground after he let go, swallowing the last of his cum and also gasping for breath. He tilted his back, and let out a sigh. I got to my knees, and then stood up next to him. I leaned in, hoping for another kiss, and he pushed me backward — “nah, dude, I’m done.” The post-nut clarity seemed to have rocked him back from his bi-curiosity.

He could tell I was surprised, and he said “I’m not gay, I just get horny man. And Matt and I had a bet going to see who could get you to suck us off first. I just won twenty bucks. Don’t say a fucking word though, cause otherwise it’ll never happen again.” I was hurt, but I wasn’t shocked. Of course he wasn’t gay, of course he wasn’t into me. We rinsed off, went back to the beach to grab our clothes, and headed back to the group. (Oh, and as for who Matt was… I’ll share more another time lol)

“Couldn’t find any more beer?”

“Nah, sorry guys,” Jake said, and he went back to his friends. I headed home a little later, but I heard stories the next week about the entire group going skinny dipping later that night. Apparently they do it every year, a tradition. So Jake had lied to me earlier that night about never being skinny dipping before…

Regardless, it still was hot as fuck, and I’ll always be grateful to him for that first taste of cock. It was hot seeing him this week again. He looks great — he’s married now, I looked him up on facebook after. Working for his dad’s construction company, which is why he still looked so strong. Definitely wouldn’t mind dropping to my knees to help him out again.
Id think this hot guy would love to give back to the one who sucked him off!!


Sexy Member
Jun 14, 2022
Brooklyn, New York,United States
50% Straight, 50% Gay
All characters are 18+

Visiting home for the holidays, and I ran into the guy who I first experimented with at the grocery store. I don’t think he saw me, but he’s hard to miss… Im 28 now, so this was nine years ago, but I thought I’d share the story of my first time.

I was two years younger than my sister, and had a very different high school experience than her. She made some of her best friends there, but by time I graduated, I was ready to get out. It was the summer before I left for college, and I got a summer job working as a counselor at our local rec center camp. Most of the counselors were older than me, and had worked there before. It was a quintessential summer camp — arts and crafts and random activities, but right on a nice lake, so that’s where everyone wanted to spend most of the day. The week before camp started, we had training with the other counselors, and it was led by him, cause he had worked there the last few summers…

He was in my sister’s friend group, so he had been over to my house a bunch of times. Of course he always caught my eye. Tall, had to be 6’4”, with a lean frame but these arms that made high-school-me just completely weak. He was somehow tan year round, and even though it was early summer, he was already golden.

And of course, I knew his name: Jake. but I wasn’t sure he knew my name. But sure enough, on the first day, he greeted me with a smile and a hug. Feeling those arms around me, couldn’t help but get hard — had to use the paperwork I was filling out on a clipboard to hide it. I’d guessed my sister had given him a heads up that I would be working there, and he went out of his way to be friendly to me. I appreciated it, but his smiles and winks in my direction during the training were driving me crazy horny.

I got home after the first day, and jerked off thinking of him standing over me. Wasn’t the first time I jerked off to him, but now I had something tangible to think about — his grip around me, the smell of his shirt, mixed with sweat and sunscreen. This was gonna be a long summer, I thought...

The second day of training, we went over water safety at the lake, which meant swimsuits. I went into the communal locker room to change, and there he was. I had arrived two seconds too late, cause he was just pulling up his trunks, his back to me. But as he turned around to throw his things in the locker, I saw my first glimpse of his body… a chest that was truly unfair for a twenty year old to have, surprisingly large pecs for someone who I assumed was more lean under his clothes. Not washboard abs or anything, but a muscular abdomen and a happy trail leading down…

He smiled at me, and as he walked past me to leave patted me on the shoulder. After a bit of training on first aid and lifeguarding basics, and a bit of playing around, we wrapped up and were meant to change before lunch. I was reading on the sand, and had a perfect view. As he walked out of the water, his trunks clung to his dick and left very little to the imagination. I had never seen an uncut dick before, but from the print on the front of his bathing suit, it looked like he might be.

I wasn’t sure what would come next… would we shower? I knew the locker room had showers, but I wasn’t sure the protocol. I waited a few minutes so that I would be able to just follow the lead of others, and then headed into the locker rooms. Sure enough, the guys were all there, showering and laughing. It was honestly endearing — but I couldn’t help but scan the room. Dicks everywhere. Cut and uncut. Big and small. Hairy. I had never seen so many. I decided I couldn’t shower because I knew I’d get hard. I quickly changed, but Jake came over, just holding his shorts in front of him, otherwise naked, and started chatting with me. Asking about college, my major, how my sister was doing. He grabbed his towel, and started drying off… I couldn’t help but look. My suspicion was right, he was uncut, and his dick was nearly as tan as the rest of his body. But he had that distinct tan line that only someone who spends most of their days in a bathing suit gets… I’d have guessed he was maybe four inches long at this point, not fully soft, probably from the warm shower. He turned around, and I saw his ass — hairless cheeks, but a furry hole. I was instantly hard.

He got dressed, seeming not to notice, and we started walking out of the locker room together, when he laughed and said “you’re not gonna go take care of that before lunch?” He pointed down to my shorts, which did little to hide the warm bulge. I was mortified, but he laughed, jokingly said “oh, to be young and still get random boners, I don’t miss that,” and then jogged to catch up with some other counselors a little bit ahead of us. I walked into one of the stalls, and jerked off — remembering his body, that uncut dick, that tan line, thinking of me on my knees in front of him… and then did my best to avoid him the rest of the week, in pure embarrassment.

For the next few weeks, we had only superficial interactions — he was always friendly, I could always only get out a few stuttered words and smile. But a few weeks in, one of the other counselors mentioned an overnight trip that they apparently do every year: all the guy counselors sneak back into the camp after hours, camp at night, and get smashed. I was not planing to go, cause I hadn’t really clicked with too many of the guy counselors (classic, I had befriended all the girl counselors). But then, the day before at the beach, Jake asked me, “I’ll see you tomorrow night, right?” and of course, I knew I’d be going.

We met up just as it got dark, and “snuck” back in (there weren’t really any gates or anything, so it took minimal effort.) But some of the older guys brought beer and pizza, and it was actually pretty fun. Just relaxed, chatting. I realized one of the other counselors was going to the same college as me, and he was giving me tips. That’s when Jake grabbed me by the arm, and said “I need your help grabbing some more drinks.”

I followed him, and we walked about ten minutes or so away from the campfire toward the offices. We made small chat — “you enjoying it here” “yeah, it’s been fun, everyone’s so nice” “do you think you’ll come back next summer?” “oh yeah!” etc.

That’s when we walked past the lake, and he said “you ever been skinny dipping?”

I laughed and said yes, explaining how I did it on a dare once with cousins when I was younger. He said he had never been — and made a joke that he was surprised I had done something he hadn’t. He said something like “I can’t be out-done by you, that’ll ruin my reputation,” and grabbed me by the shoulder and started jogging to the beach. When we reached the sand, he pulled off his long sleeve t shirt, slipped off his jeans, and inched off his briefs. Grey calvins, I still remember. And there it was, that thick and uncut dick. It was a little chilly in the evening, and so he was a little smaller than he was int he locker room — but still thick. “Don’t make me do this alone, it’s cold” he said. I followed, but was relucant to take off my underwear. I was cut, and while I definitely was not as big as him, I was already sporting a semi… He said “come on,” turned around, and jumped off the dock into the water. It was dark enough, and with him in the water, I figured I could get away with it without him seeing I was getting hard.

I jumped in after him, and swam over to where he was. He was floating on his back, his dick sticking straight up in the air. The cold water was caught in his happy trail and pubes, and I couldn’t get enough. He caught me looking, laughed, and then tried to dunk me under water. I struggled against him, and went under, and found my body — for the first time — really touching him, feeling him, in the guise of trying to get him off me. I came up for air, and he was laughing. “You’re stronger than you look,” he said. I sputtered some excuse and said that he was obviously stronger.

And then he kissed me. It was so unexpected, and we were in the deeper end, so I forgot to tread water and sank under the water level. He pulled me up, laughing, dragged me a few feet closer to shore to where our feet could find the sandy bottom, and then he kissed me again. “I thought you might like that,” he said. Acting as if it wasn’t doing anything for him, which was betrayed by the fact that I could feel his dick rubbing against my leg. “Oh, so generous of you,” I said back. But I looked back up at him, and this time I went in for the kiss, and he kissed me back.

I felt his hands embrace my back, and pull my body against his. He kissed my ear, and whispered “you have no idea how bad I need to cum.” I was losing my mind. He definitely wasn’t your typical “macho” straight guy, by any means. I knew he sang back when he was in high school, and he had an ear piercing, but I had never assumed he’d be into guys at all.

He guided my hand to his belly, down, down to his dick. It was fully hard now. It actually wasn’t that much longer than mine, he was probably just over 6.5” or 7.” But girthy, I could barely wrap my hand around the whole thing.

I started stroking it, and he tilted his head back and let out a sigh.

I pushed him backward, toward the dock, and told him to sit on it. He did, his legs hanging over the side, and his dick right in my face. I had never sucked a dick before, but had certainly watched enough porn to pretend I knew what I was doing. He laughed — “nervous? first time?” I looked up at him, my face between his thighs, and smiled. I noticed my teeth were chattering, a combo of the cold water and what I would come to know as that that anxious, exhilarating sensation you get in anticipation of a hook up. “Let’s warm up in the showers,” and Jake pulled me from the water into the locker room where I had first gotten a glimpse of him.

While the water warmed up, I got to savor in the view. He enjoyed being watched, I could tell. I think that turned him on more than anything else. He let the water run over him, and pulled me in — I thought for a kiss, until he pushed my head down, until I was on his knees and face-level with his hard dick. I wrapped my mouth around it and took it inside me. The warmth, combined with the saltiness of his precum, was nearly enough to make me cum. He guided my head up and down his dick with his hand on the back of my head. He let out little short moans in a higher pitched voice than I was used to hearing from him.

It was far from a great blowjob - the combination of the water from the shower, and the sheer girth, left me choking a bit. I started gagging, and tried to take a break, but Jake held me down, his grip tightening on the hair on the back of my head. “I’m not done yet,” he said, forcing me up and down, faster and faster. I had tears in my eyes, but god, I wanted nothing more than to submit to him. I let him guide me up and down, deeper and deeper, until my nose was buried in his pubes, and I had all of him inside of me, scraping the back of my throat. He held down, and let out a “fuckk…” I looked up at him, and he had a new look in his eyes, almost animal-like. He nodded, and then rapidly forced my mouth up and down his dick until, with a loud “oh GOD” I felt my mouth filling with a thick, warm, and salty load. There had to have been five or six ropes, way more than I had ever cum.

I fell to the ground after he let go, swallowing the last of his cum and also gasping for breath. He tilted his back, and let out a sigh. I got to my knees, and then stood up next to him. I leaned in, hoping for another kiss, and he pushed me backward — “nah, dude, I’m done.” The post-nut clarity seemed to have rocked him back from his bi-curiosity.

He could tell I was surprised, and he said “I’m not gay, I just get horny man. And Matt and I had a bet going to see who could get you to suck us off first. I just won twenty bucks. Don’t say a fucking word though, cause otherwise it’ll never happen again.” I was hurt, but I wasn’t shocked. Of course he wasn’t gay, of course he wasn’t into me. We rinsed off, went back to the beach to grab our clothes, and headed back to the group. (Oh, and as for who Matt was… I’ll share more another time lol)

“Couldn’t find any more beer?”

“Nah, sorry guys,” Jake said, and he went back to his friends. I headed home a little later, but I heard stories the next week about the entire group going skinny dipping later that night. Apparently they do it every year, a tradition. So Jake had lied to me earlier that night about never being skinny dipping before…

Regardless, it still was hot as fuck, and I’ll always be grateful to him for that first taste of cock. It was hot seeing him this week again. He looks great — he’s married now, I looked him up on facebook after. Working for his dad’s construction company, which is why he still looked so strong. Definitely wouldn’t mind dropping to my knees to help him out again.
A very hot story! Thanks!!
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heavy weather

Mythical Member
Jun 13, 2006
New York (United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Visiting home for the holidays, and I ran into the guy who I first experimented with at the grocery store. I don’t think he saw me, but he’s hard to miss… Im 28 now, so this was nine years ago, but I thought I’d share the story of my first time.

I was two years younger than my sister, and had a very different high school experience than her. She made some of her best friends there, but by time I graduated, I was ready to get out. It was the summer before I left for college, and I got a summer job working as a counselor at our local rec center camp. Most of the counselors were older than me, and had worked there before.

This is excellent erotic friction. Nice job. Thank you for writing this.
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Sexy Member
Feb 7, 2021
London (Greater London, England)
99% Gay, 1% Straight
All characters are 18+

Visiting home for the holidays, and I ran into the guy who I first experimented with at the grocery store. I don’t think he saw me, but he’s hard to miss… Im 28 now, so this was nine years ago, but I thought I’d share the story of my first time.

I was two years younger than my sister, and had a very different high school experience than her. She made some of her best friends there, but by time I graduated, I was ready to get out. It was the summer before I left for college, and I got a summer job working as a counselor at our local rec center camp. Most of the counselors were older than me, and had worked there before. It was a quintessential summer camp — arts and crafts and random activities, but right on a nice lake, so that’s where everyone wanted to spend most of the day. The week before camp started, we had training with the other counselors, and it was led by him, cause he had worked there the last few summers…

He was in my sister’s friend group, so he had been over to my house a bunch of times. Of course he always caught my eye. Tall, had to be 6’4”, with a lean frame but these arms that made high-school-me just completely weak. He was somehow tan year round, and even though it was early summer, he was already golden.

And of course, I knew his name: Jake. but I wasn’t sure he knew my name. But sure enough, on the first day, he greeted me with a smile and a hug. Feeling those arms around me, couldn’t help but get hard — had to use the paperwork I was filling out on a clipboard to hide it. I’d guessed my sister had given him a heads up that I would be working there, and he went out of his way to be friendly to me. I appreciated it, but his smiles and winks in my direction during the training were driving me crazy horny.

I got home after the first day, and jerked off thinking of him standing over me. Wasn’t the first time I jerked off to him, but now I had something tangible to think about — his grip around me, the smell of his shirt, mixed with sweat and sunscreen. This was gonna be a long summer, I thought...

The second day of training, we went over water safety at the lake, which meant swimsuits. I went into the communal locker room to change, and there he was. I had arrived two seconds too late, cause he was just pulling up his trunks, his back to me. But as he turned around to throw his things in the locker, I saw my first glimpse of his body… a chest that was truly unfair for a twenty year old to have, surprisingly large pecs for someone who I assumed was more lean under his clothes. Not washboard abs or anything, but a muscular abdomen and a happy trail leading down…

He smiled at me, and as he walked past me to leave patted me on the shoulder. After a bit of training on first aid and lifeguarding basics, and a bit of playing around, we wrapped up and were meant to change before lunch. I was reading on the sand, and had a perfect view. As he walked out of the water, his trunks clung to his dick and left very little to the imagination. I had never seen an uncut dick before, but from the print on the front of his bathing suit, it looked like he might be.

I wasn’t sure what would come next… would we shower? I knew the locker room had showers, but I wasn’t sure the protocol. I waited a few minutes so that I would be able to just follow the lead of others, and then headed into the locker rooms. Sure enough, the guys were all there, showering and laughing. It was honestly endearing — but I couldn’t help but scan the room. Dicks everywhere. Cut and uncut. Big and small. Hairy. I had never seen so many. I decided I couldn’t shower because I knew I’d get hard. I quickly changed, but Jake came over, just holding his shorts in front of him, otherwise naked, and started chatting with me. Asking about college, my major, how my sister was doing. He grabbed his towel, and started drying off… I couldn’t help but look. My suspicion was right, he was uncut, and his dick was nearly as tan as the rest of his body. But he had that distinct tan line that only someone who spends most of their days in a bathing suit gets… I’d have guessed he was maybe four inches long at this point, not fully soft, probably from the warm shower. He turned around, and I saw his ass — hairless cheeks, but a furry hole. I was instantly hard.

He got dressed, seeming not to notice, and we started walking out of the locker room together, when he laughed and said “you’re not gonna go take care of that before lunch?” He pointed down to my shorts, which did little to hide the warm bulge. I was mortified, but he laughed, jokingly said “oh, to be young and still get random boners, I don’t miss that,” and then jogged to catch up with some other counselors a little bit ahead of us. I walked into one of the stalls, and jerked off — remembering his body, that uncut dick, that tan line, thinking of me on my knees in front of him… and then did my best to avoid him the rest of the week, in pure embarrassment.

For the next few weeks, we had only superficial interactions — he was always friendly, I could always only get out a few stuttered words and smile. But a few weeks in, one of the other counselors mentioned an overnight trip that they apparently do every year: all the guy counselors sneak back into the camp after hours, camp at night, and get smashed. I was not planing to go, cause I hadn’t really clicked with too many of the guy counselors (classic, I had befriended all the girl counselors). But then, the day before at the beach, Jake asked me, “I’ll see you tomorrow night, right?” and of course, I knew I’d be going.

We met up just as it got dark, and “snuck” back in (there weren’t really any gates or anything, so it took minimal effort.) But some of the older guys brought beer and pizza, and it was actually pretty fun. Just relaxed, chatting. I realized one of the other counselors was going to the same college as me, and he was giving me tips. That’s when Jake grabbed me by the arm, and said “I need your help grabbing some more drinks.”

I followed him, and we walked about ten minutes or so away from the campfire toward the offices. We made small chat — “you enjoying it here” “yeah, it’s been fun, everyone’s so nice” “do you think you’ll come back next summer?” “oh yeah!” etc.

That’s when we walked past the lake, and he said “you ever been skinny dipping?”

I laughed and said yes, explaining how I did it on a dare once with cousins when I was younger. He said he had never been — and made a joke that he was surprised I had done something he hadn’t. He said something like “I can’t be out-done by you, that’ll ruin my reputation,” and grabbed me by the shoulder and started jogging to the beach. When we reached the sand, he pulled off his long sleeve t shirt, slipped off his jeans, and inched off his briefs. Grey calvins, I still remember. And there it was, that thick and uncut dick. It was a little chilly in the evening, and so he was a little smaller than he was int he locker room — but still thick. “Don’t make me do this alone, it’s cold” he said. I followed, but was relucant to take off my underwear. I was cut, and while I definitely was not as big as him, I was already sporting a semi… He said “come on,” turned around, and jumped off the dock into the water. It was dark enough, and with him in the water, I figured I could get away with it without him seeing I was getting hard.

I jumped in after him, and swam over to where he was. He was floating on his back, his dick sticking straight up in the air. The cold water was caught in his happy trail and pubes, and I couldn’t get enough. He caught me looking, laughed, and then tried to dunk me under water. I struggled against him, and went under, and found my body — for the first time — really touching him, feeling him, in the guise of trying to get him off me. I came up for air, and he was laughing. “You’re stronger than you look,” he said. I sputtered some excuse and said that he was obviously stronger.

And then he kissed me. It was so unexpected, and we were in the deeper end, so I forgot to tread water and sank under the water level. He pulled me up, laughing, dragged me a few feet closer to shore to where our feet could find the sandy bottom, and then he kissed me again. “I thought you might like that,” he said. Acting as if it wasn’t doing anything for him, which was betrayed by the fact that I could feel his dick rubbing against my leg. “Oh, so generous of you,” I said back. But I looked back up at him, and this time I went in for the kiss, and he kissed me back.

I felt his hands embrace my back, and pull my body against his. He kissed my ear, and whispered “you have no idea how bad I need to cum.” I was losing my mind. He definitely wasn’t your typical “macho” straight guy, by any means. I knew he sang back when he was in high school, and he had an ear piercing, but I had never assumed he’d be into guys at all.

He guided my hand to his belly, down, down to his dick. It was fully hard now. It actually wasn’t that much longer than mine, he was probably just over 6.5” or 7.” But girthy, I could barely wrap my hand around the whole thing.

I started stroking it, and he tilted his head back and let out a sigh.

I pushed him backward, toward the dock, and told him to sit on it. He did, his legs hanging over the side, and his dick right in my face. I had never sucked a dick before, but had certainly watched enough porn to pretend I knew what I was doing. He laughed — “nervous? first time?” I looked up at him, my face between his thighs, and smiled. I noticed my teeth were chattering, a combo of the cold water and what I would come to know as that that anxious, exhilarating sensation you get in anticipation of a hook up. “Let’s warm up in the showers,” and Jake pulled me from the water into the locker room where I had first gotten a glimpse of him.

While the water warmed up, I got to savor in the view. He enjoyed being watched, I could tell. I think that turned him on more than anything else. He let the water run over him, and pulled me in — I thought for a kiss, until he pushed my head down, until I was on his knees and face-level with his hard dick. I wrapped my mouth around it and took it inside me. The warmth, combined with the saltiness of his precum, was nearly enough to make me cum. He guided my head up and down his dick with his hand on the back of my head. He let out little short moans in a higher pitched voice than I was used to hearing from him.

It was far from a great blowjob - the combination of the water from the shower, and the sheer girth, left me choking a bit. I started gagging, and tried to take a break, but Jake held me down, his grip tightening on the hair on the back of my head. “I’m not done yet,” he said, forcing me up and down, faster and faster. I had tears in my eyes, but god, I wanted nothing more than to submit to him. I let him guide me up and down, deeper and deeper, until my nose was buried in his pubes, and I had all of him inside of me, scraping the back of my throat. He held down, and let out a “fuckk…” I looked up at him, and he had a new look in his eyes, almost animal-like. He nodded, and then rapidly forced my mouth up and down his dick until, with a loud “oh GOD” I felt my mouth filling with a thick, warm, and salty load. There had to have been five or six ropes, way more than I had ever cum.

I fell to the ground after he let go, swallowing the last of his cum and also gasping for breath. He tilted his back, and let out a sigh. I got to my knees, and then stood up next to him. I leaned in, hoping for another kiss, and he pushed me backward — “nah, dude, I’m done.” The post-nut clarity seemed to have rocked him back from his bi-curiosity.

He could tell I was surprised, and he said “I’m not gay, I just get horny man. And Matt and I had a bet going to see who could get you to suck us off first. I just won twenty bucks. Don’t say a fucking word though, cause otherwise it’ll never happen again.” I was hurt, but I wasn’t shocked. Of course he wasn’t gay, of course he wasn’t into me. We rinsed off, went back to the beach to grab our clothes, and headed back to the group. (Oh, and as for who Matt was… I’ll share more another time lol)

“Couldn’t find any more beer?”

“Nah, sorry guys,” Jake said, and he went back to his friends. I headed home a little later, but I heard stories the next week about the entire group going skinny dipping later that night. Apparently they do it every year, a tradition. So Jake had lied to me earlier that night about never being skinny dipping before…

Regardless, it still was hot as fuck, and I’ll always be grateful to him for that first taste of cock. It was hot seeing him this week again. He looks great — he’s married now, I looked him up on facebook after. Working for his dad’s construction company, which is why he still looked so strong. Definitely wouldn’t mind dropping to my knees to help him out again.